Meet Cyril

My Journey of Faith

Called to Write, Inspired by Grace

Personal Bio

Cyril Obiora Uramu is an ordained minister of the
gospel, a pastor and a pharmacist. He was born in
October 10 1957 at Nzam, Anambra West Local
Government Area of Anambra State in Nigeria to
Chief and Mrs. Vincent Uramu. He had his primary
education at St. Mary’s Primary School at Nzam
and completed his secondary education at Trinity
Secondary Technical School, Araromi, Apapa
Lagos. He graduated from University of Ife, Ile Ife
(Nigeria) in 1983 with Bachelor of Pharmacy

Faith Journey

Brother Uramu attended the Redeemed Christian
Bible College in 2008/2009 at Imo Campus under
Imo Province of the Redeemed Christian Church of
God. He also attended the School of Disciples in
2009 in Imo Province. Brother Uramu started his
pastoring career in 2007 in Imo Province and has
pastored many parishes since then.

Calling to Write

Brother Uramu’s writing career started in the 1980s
when he used to contribute articles to some daily
newspaper publications. His journey into Christian
writing started shortly after his receiving baptism of
the Holy Spirit under the Charismatic renewal
movement. His first Christian title was Rejoicing in
Hope in 2003/2004. This book discusses the virtues
of hope and joy, and the strength they communicate
in trials and troubling circumstances.

The book came out of inspiration of the Holy Spirit while studying the epistle to the Romans chapter 12 verses
10 to 12.
The follow-up to the first book was The Proof of
True Christian Call. Brother Uramu was invited as
a resource person in a Charismatic retreat and he
had taught on proving your call through service.
Led by the Holy Spirit he wrote an article on the
topic for a Christian journal. Still at the nudge of the
Holy Spirit, he turned the article into an 80-page
The next book project bore the title, Created to
Manifest Greatness. The inspiration came through
a chance encounter with a certain church bulletin.
The fourth book is tilted I Know Who I am. This
was the title of my Bible College dissertation which
I expanded into a book.
So far Brother Uramu has written 19 books on
diverse Christian titles or topics as at 2024. Only
one out of these is published as hardcopy –
Believer’s Rights and Privileges. Others are
currently available in soft copies in Amazon and
The journey into books publication and marketing is
a tough one. It is expected that soon the others will
be available in hard copies.
Brother Uramu is a part-time lecturer at the
Redeemed Christian Bible College and a
teacher/speaker at charismatic seminars and retreats.

Brother Uramu is married with four children and
resides in Lagos, Nigeria
As a final remark, I add this. I had never at any
point in time planned to write any of these nineteen
books. Each of these came by divine inspiration –
by the leading, guidance and direction of the Holy
Spirit. The hand of God was strong upon me,
particularly when I wrote the book, The Power of
Promise. The facility and ease with which I wrote
the book amazed me personally.
The only book I had in mind to write, and am yet to
write, is a collection of the beautiful sermons the
Holy Spirit gave me to preach in my career as a
Therefore, I want to register here my deep
appreciation, love and gratitude to God for His
quickening hand upon me by the ever present
inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


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